pero la esposa inteligente es un don del Senor"
Proverbios 19:14
La creacion
El Libro de Genesis nos relata como todo fue creado, y nos lleva al momento en que el ser humano fue hecho a imagen y semejanza de Dios (Genesis 1:26; 27). Esta divina decision se constituyo en una enorme bendicion, pues por su Gracia asi fuimos creados. Asi Dios en su infinita sabiduria, tambien considero que no era bueno que el hombre estuviera solo (Genesis 2:18) y posteriormente le dio una compania: la mujer (Genesis 2:21).
Esa mujer, fiel companera de nuestras dichas y tristezas, esa mujer que tiene su hombro disponible todo el tiempo para que ahi nos apoyemos, esa mujer que administra el hogar, que escucha nuestros logros y esperanzas y en mas de alguna vez, la desesperanza. Esa mujer hermanos y hermanas: es nuestra ayuda ideal.
Entonces hermanos y esposos, debemos comprender que no es una casualidad o suerte que hayamos conocido a la mujer que nos acompana o que nos acompano, hasta que Dios permitio separarla de nuestro lado. Es aqui adonde debemos hacer un alto y comenzar a reflexionar sobre esta situacion, si aun no lo hemos hecho, y comprender que nuestra companera fue dada por Dios y que es la ayuda ideal que El dispuso para nosotros (Genesis 2:22,23), por lo que debemos amarla, respetarla y apreciarla bajo la luz de esta verdad y con mas amor aun: debemos cuidar esa relacion que tiene la complacencia de Nuestro Supremo Creador (Genesis 2:27-30).
Asimismo hermanos y hermanas, tenemos la obligacion cristiana y apostolica de comunicar estas bendiciones a nuestros demas hermanos creyentes o no, a invitarlos a compartir la Palabra de Dios, a impulsarlos a construir una relacion matrimonial fuerte, a tener fe (confiabilidad) en Dios, en su Bendito Hijo y en El Espiritu Santo; a poner en las manos de Nuestro Padre, esa relacion que por su Gracia nos regalo.
Somos bendecidos y esta bendicion debemos compartirla con quien no conoce la felicidad, asi como nosotros los cristianos la conocemos.
Hagamoslo juntos
Regalemos paz junto a nuestras esposas o esposos, dando a conocer la Palabra de Dios, las Buenas Nuevas de nuestro amado Jesus, acercando al que "no puede ver", regalemos luz a los que se encuentran en la oscuridad de no conocer la Palabra (Mateo 5:14), y en nuestras oraciones tambien debemos pedir por estos cautivos: los que se encuentran en una prision o carcel y por los que estan cautivos dentro de la oscuridad del pecado; debemos pedir por esos corazones duros que se resisten a conocer a Jesus y cuando la oportunidad se presente, hablarles de nuestro testimonio personal, de la felicidad de compartir la palabra de Dios y de conocer su grandeza, que conozcan porque nos sentimos fuertes ante la adversidades (Filipenses 4:13), que tenemos millones de hermanos y un mismo y precioso hermano llamado el Buen Pastor, que tenemos puestos los ojos en Jesus, el autor y consumador de la fe (Hebreos 12:2); que adoramos a un Cristo Vivo que fue resucitado por nuestro Padre de entre los muertos (Romanos 8:11) y que esperamos con ansia su venida, cuando asi lo decida Dios.
Hermanos no privemos de la luz a nadie, los invito a utilizar los medios a vuestro alcance para comunicar la Bendita Palabra de Dios: emails, chat, redes sociales, textos, celular, telefonos, fax; enviar o decir : "Dios te ama", "Conoce a Cristo", pueden ser algunas de las expresiones que esos corazones estan necesitando para ser abiertos a Jesus.
Se animan?
Que Dios los bendiga ricamente.
Nelson Angulo
English version
The Ideal Support
"House and wealth are inherited from parents,
but a prudent wife is a gift of the Lord "
Proverbs 19:14
The Creation
The Book of Genesis tells us how everything was created, and leads to the moment the man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26, 27). This divine decision is a huge blessing, because by his grace so we were created. So God in his infinite wisdom, also believe that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18) and then gave him a company: the woman (Genesis 2:21).
That woman, faithful companion of our joys and sorrows, the woman who has her shoulder all the time available so that we support there, the woman running the home, listening to our achievements and hope and more than ever, despair. That woman brothers and sisters, is our ideal support.
So brothers and husbands, we understand that it is not a coincidence or luck that we met the woman who accompanies us or accompanied to us, until God allowed to separate it from our side. It is here where we need to stop and start thinking about this situation, even if we have not done, and understand that our companion was given by God and is the ideal support to the available for us (Genesis 2:22,23), so we must love, respect and appreciate her under the light of this truth and love even more: we must protect this relationship that has the satisfaction of our Supreme Creator (Genesis 2:27-30).
Also brothers and sisters, we are Christian and we have the apostolic duty to communicate these blessings to our other fellow believers or not, to invite them to share the Word of God, to encourage them to build a strong marriage relationship, to have faith (confidence) in God, in his Blessed Son and The Holy Spirit, to set at the hands of our Father that relationship, that by his grace gave us.
We are blessed and this blessing we share it with who knows no happiness, just as we Christians know it.
Do it Together
So give peace with our wives or husbands, revealing the Word of God, the good news of our beloved Jesus, approaching to who "can not see," give away light to those who are in the darkness of not knowing the Word ( Matthew 5:14), and in our prayers we must also pray for those captives who are in a prison or jail and those who are caught up in the darkness of sin, we must pray for those hard hearts who refuse to meet Jesus and when the opportunity presents itself, talk about our personal witness of the joy of sharing God's word and to know his greatness, to know because we feel strong against the odds (Philippians 4:13), we have millions of sisters and brothers and one and precious Brother called the Good Shepherd. We have our eyes on Jesus, author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), that we worship a living Christ who was raised by our father from the dead ( Romans 8:11) and we look forward to his coming, when God decides so.
Brothers did not deprive anyone of light, I invite you to use the resources your disposal to communicate the Word of God Blessed: emails, chat, social networking, text, cell, phone, fax; , post or say: "God loves you" "Know Christ" may be some of the expressions that these hearts are needed to be open to Jesus.
Are you encouraged?
May God bless you richly.
Nelson Angulo
Do it Together
So give peace with our wives or husbands, revealing the Word of God, the good news of our beloved Jesus, approaching to who "can not see," give away light to those who are in the darkness of not knowing the Word ( Matthew 5:14), and in our prayers we must also pray for those captives who are in a prison or jail and those who are caught up in the darkness of sin, we must pray for those hard hearts who refuse to meet Jesus and when the opportunity presents itself, talk about our personal witness of the joy of sharing God's word and to know his greatness, to know because we feel strong against the odds (Philippians 4:13), we have millions of sisters and brothers and one and precious Brother called the Good Shepherd. We have our eyes on Jesus, author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), that we worship a living Christ who was raised by our father from the dead ( Romans 8:11) and we look forward to his coming, when God decides so.
Brothers did not deprive anyone of light, I invite you to use the resources your disposal to communicate the Word of God Blessed: emails, chat, social networking, text, cell, phone, fax; , post or say: "God loves you" "Know Christ" may be some of the expressions that these hearts are needed to be open to Jesus.
Are you encouraged?
May God bless you richly.
Nelson Angulo